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Blocked & ignored profiles at Gaudi

We explain how you can block other users and why your profile was blocked.

  • How to ignore someone?

    You want to ignore a member and no longer contact him/her or prevent him/her from visiting your profile? In the respective user profile you will find the corresponding function directly under the othe...

  • Where can I see which members I am ignoring myself?

    You can find the list of ignored contacts in the settings. To do so, click on the small avatar or the placeholder in the lower right corner and click on Settings. Find your Ignore list and click on it...

  • Why have I been ignored?

    Unfortunately, we can't tell you why someone is ignoring you, but maybe you can take a look at the rules of conduct and find out why the member ignored you. Internalize them so you won't be ignored ag...

  • I have been warned - where do I see my warnings?

    Warnings are only displayed in your profile settings if you have already received them. If you have not received any, you will not be able to open the link to your warnings. Our warnings are as follow...

  • I would like to report a user. This is how it works:

    You suspect a user might not be serious or can even prove that a user is not real? Then simply use the Report function directly in the user's profile. Directly in the profile on the top right, you wil...

  • Warum kann ich nur eine PN an mir unbekannte User versenden?

    If you write to a member you are not friends with, you will have to wait for a reply. This feature is there to protect the privacy of each individual member. Not only does this make it much more diffi...

  • I have been warned. Why?

    If you have been warned, you have certainly not followed our community rules. You can find an overview of our rules of conduct here. Your violation will be displayed the next time you change pages. Yo...

  • My profile is blocked - what can I do?

    If your profile is locked, you have certainly not followed our community rules. You can find an overview of our rules of conduct here. Please check your email inbox. Often the reason for the blocking ...